May is Better Hearing & Speech Month.
This year's theme is: COMMUNICATION FOR ALL
We couldn't think of a more perfect theme! As an organization, our mission is to enhance the communication effectiveness of anyone who can benefit from augmentative and alternative communication (AAC). Because we believe that communication IS for all. That every single individual has the right to express their wants, needs, thoughts, feelings, and stories. And to do so as efficiently and effectively as possible. And that no one is "too anything" (too disabled, too young, too old, too verbal, too ___) to "qualify" for AAC (i.e. communication).
"We have discovered increasingly that communication has only one prerequisite; it has nothing to do with mental age, chronological age, prerequisite skills, mathematical formulae, or any of the other models that have been developed to decide who is an AAC candidate and who is not. Breathing is the only prerequisite that is relevant to communication. Breathing equals life, and life equals communication. It is that simple." ~ Mirenda, P. (1993). Bonding the uncertain mosaic. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 9 (1), 3-9.
"Breathing is the only prerequisite that is relevant to communication."
The majority of the people we meet communicate by speaking verbally. However, verbal speech is no more valid than communicating through written/typed text. Or pictures. Or gestures. Or sign language. Or tactile symbols. Or speech generating devices. Or switches. Or partner assisted scanning. Or a combination of verbal speech and AAC. Or, or, or...
Communication disorders are treatable. There are many, many options to support the communication needs of individuals whose verbal speech does not meet (all of) their communication needs. There is no good reason to NOT work to find a solution that meets an individual's communication needs. They want to be heard and understood. And we want to hear and understand!
This Better Hearing & Speech Month, we invite you to: Explore our Calendar to find a webinar or in-person course to expand your own knowledge. Connect with others (in your local community or online) to find a support network. Find a mentor. Take the plunge and start using AAC with a loved one. Help educate others.
How are you celebrating and honoring "Communication For All"?